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Leonard S.

I live a pretty active life with working out, directing choirs, just to mention a few. So, I’m very conscientious about my hygiene and perspiring. I use deodorant a lot but I had never tried an all natural and organic one before. To be honest I was a little skeptical at first, but I tried pHreedom Organic Luxury Deodorant and went to an intense choir rehearsal where I sweated a lot, but to my surprise and delight the deodorant worked wonderfully! I would highly recommend this product to anyone, especially to those looking for an all natural alternative to what they’ve been using. It’s great!

Eric F.

This product is amazing. I’m addicted and loving it. I recommend This organic deodorant to any and everyone.

Cheron H.

I recently purchased your product at the Alive Expo and I love it! I have been a natural deodorant user for 17 years now and I prepare myself to have a trial period when trying something new because they don’t always work immediately. With your spray there wasn’t a down time and was very effective through my strenuous workout routine! I will be spreading the word to everyone I know who wants to transition to a natural deodorant. Please don’t ever change your formula!

Linda M.

I ordered your deodorant, I had been using piper wai for years. I was so glad to see yours somebody i know. I’ve used it 2 days, i had a little tingle at first but it went away so far so good. I’ve been sharing it with my friends.

Pastor Jeffrey R.

This product is amazing.  I must admit I didn’t trust it at first…so I used 4 sprays per arm.  The way I work I need extra protection.  But even on the FIRST day, I had NO ODOR!!!

Andre G.

I recommended pHreedom Organic to a co-worker of mine, and she had the same reaction as I did: this product is simply amazing.  Thank you so much for creating it.

Connie H

My husband and I have been using this for over a month and we love it!  Definitely feel safer and healthier.  And it works great!

James K

My first day using the Men’s Deodorant. Two sprays under each arm. I did not know what to expect. I am amazed that at the end of this hot/humid day, after perspiring that there was no body odor, not a trace. Love this deodorant and will speak to other guys

